
Hi there! I'm Land, the founder of MADAR "(transfering to Toamé)", in this part I'm gonna tell you a bit about who I am, but most importantly about my intentions and why I decided to create Toamé.
I was born in a small surfvillage on the pacific coast of Nicaragua a humble place sorrounded by Seabirds, Sand and waves breaking on my backyard.

Since a very young age I had to learn a lot about doing things myself while getting good school degrees was not what I was the best at. Anyways I rather went to surf and get smashed by waves knowing that when I get back home I will be in troubles with my parents. Well it was worthy though, but that's part of another story.

Beyond myself, I want to introduce you Toamé an Intentional Jewelry Brand inspired by the Sun, Childrens and Sea Turtles, Let me get you within these lines and the ocean the Why of Toamé, the reason and what are we doing different than most fashion Brands...


Meet Toamé

An intentional jewelry Brand

why Toamé

Well, coming from a third world country had tought me to be helpful and be there for the ones less fortunate, which is kind of my nature and what I love to do.

Let me explain you what I mean...

ONCE I got the opportunity to come to this amazing place called Switzerland, I was totally shocked!..The people here have a completely different life than where i was borned, one of the things that catched my attention was about on how people don't really appreciate what they have, they buy a bunch of things and most of them meaningless. Aahh... "I thought to my self, if they would know how many good things can be done with what they spend in unnecesary stuff!"...

But exactly in that thought, at that moment was when this project came out.

Having a tough time finding myself in cold winters thinking about what do I do here far, far away from the small beach town that watched me grow, a picture of my childhood came across my mind so I thought about all those childrens back home that don't even have the resources to go to school, that instead of playing and enjoying the golden years of Chilhood, they must support their families by working since a very young age, I though about all the street dogs from my town and the little turtles trying to survive crawling into the ocean, I though about all of these going on just in seconds crossing my head!.. That got me deep Inside.

And so all started...


Empowered with a humble happy face of a child in my mind, this became to be something powerful. I thought also about the little turtles and poppies that from where I come from, was a real problem to solve.

Toamé, which is the ensemble of three words in Spanish... TOrtuga AMor Etéreo.

Turtles are real magical creatures. They are borned and have to wait Decades till they become adults and be able to put Eggs, the most interesting part is that turtles will travel the whole world through the Globe Ocean Currents and GET back when they are ready to have Babies to the same Beach where they start their journey, they'll get back to give birth where they were borned.

Everytime you purchase art from our store, you're being part of a movement that means a lot for Childrens, sea Turtles and Puppies around the pacific coast of Nicaragua. We Intend to make every customer aware about what are we doing and inviting them to live more intentional.

Sharing the light and opportunity to those less fortunate, is our fuel that keep us moving forwards and make it different.

Peace and Love is not something to say, but to CREATE!

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